dialog window size and zoom controls:
- Use the [maximise/restore] button to change the dialog window
- The [zoom] slider changes the zoom resolution.
- The [fit] button can be used to fit the image into the existing
preview frame.
- Click and hold the left mouse button over the preview to see the original
unprocessed image.
- Click and drag the preview to view another section of the image.
- Turn the mousewheel to zoom in or out of the image.
palette controls:
Here you can load or create palettes that are used to process the image data.
recolorST uses the upper [compare]
palette to decide which parts of the image are processed. It then applies the
colors of the lower [apply] palette onto the selected regions.
- Click on the combo box to select one of the predefined or user defined
palettes or hit the [get] button to extract a new user palette from
the currently edited image.
If you want to store the newly created palette
for permanet use select one of the last six list items [user 1 ... user
6] before hitting the [get] button. You will then be able to
save the extracted palette onto this slot. Otherwise the palette is created
temporarily and will be discarded when another palette is selected or when the
plugin dialog window is closed.
- The [palette] selector decides for wich
purpose [compare] or [apply] a newly created or
loaded palette will be used. Choose [single] if you want to use
a single palette for both jobs. If two different palettes are
present before single mode is selected only the previous [compare]
palette will be used for processing. The [apply] palette is then
- If a selection mask is present in the source image you can use the
[mask] selector to determine wether a new palette will include only
the colors from [within] or from [outside] the
mask. Choose [ignore] if you want to ignore the mask and use colors
of the entire image.
The [mask] selector is disabled if no
selection mask has been found in the image.
palette display:
- The caption of the palette display box shows which of the palettes is
currently selected for editing.
- The dual palette display in the center of the box shows both the
[compare] and [apply] palettes in a single image. Click
on the upper half of the image to select the [compare] palette for
editing. Clicking on the lower half will choose the [apply]
palette. Click in the center of the display to switch to [single]
palette mode.
- The sliders above and below the palette display can be used to restrict
the intensity range that is affected by the filter. Move the upper slider to
the left to exclude bright colors or move the lower slider to the right to
exclude dark colors from the processing. You can even move both sliders
at once - just press and hold the [ctrl] key while dragging one of
the sliders.
selection controls:
This section provides the tools for the selection of image regions that are
affected by the filter.
- [include]: recolorST uses the colors of
the [compare] palette to decide which regions of the image will be
affected. Use the [include] selector to include only image
colors that are sufficiently [similar] to or [different]
from the palette colors.
- [threshold]: Use this fader to set the threshold for the color
inclusion/exclusion based on the setting of the [include]
selector. Move the slider to the right to reduce the filtered image area.
- [fade]: The fade parameter lets you smoothen the borders between
processed and unprocessed image regions.
- the [mask] selector is active if a selection mask is present in
the source image. Use it to determine wthwer the effect is
applied [within] or [outside] the selection.
Choose [ignore] if you want to ignore the mask and apply the effect
onto the entire image.
Important Note: Not all plugin
hosts support writing outside the selection mask. If you can not use this
feature with your plugin host please contact the software vendor for an
update. A list of compatible applications that allow writing outside the
selection mask will soon be available from our website.
effect controls:
Use the effect control tools to determine the quality of the filter
- [amount]: An amount of 0 will leave the source image untouched
while an amount of 100 completely replaces the image colors with those of the
Use amounts < 0 to enhance the existing colors and amounts
> 100 to generate color shifts.
- [lightness] If you find the processed image areas too bright or too dark
you can use this selector to edit the lightness of the filter effect. select
[bleach] to lighten up existing colors or [stain] to
darken the processed regions.
- Use the [depth] fader to control the intensity of the bleach or
staining. This fader is disabled when the [neutral] setting is
- [palette colors only] If this button is checked only colors
from the [apply] pallette will be used for the rendering. Leave
the button unchecked to create a blend of source image and palette colors.
button row:
- [About] Version number and copyright Information.
- [Help] opens this help file.
- [Register] registration of recolorST will soon be available.
- [Done] close the plugin window. Please note that only the
licensed version of recolorST will apply any changes to the source
- Click on the web link below the button row to visit our homepage www.foksmarx.com.
during a preview update the web link is replaced by a progress
recolorST palette builder dialog
The palette builder is a simplified dialog that
can be used to quickly create a new palette. Use this dialog in cases where only
a palette is created and no image processing is done.
Please note that the recolorST palette builder
dialog is only available with the full version of the
plugin. recolorLE uses its own palette builder.
Please look here.
Hold the [Ctrl] pressed while the plugin starts to call this dialog. Clicking
one of the buttons [user 1 ... 6] will store a new user palette
onto the specified slot and close the window. An existing palette will then be
The palette builder can be used to considerably speed up the workflow. In
many cases you will want to use a palette that is based on a certain selection
while the actual image processing is then applied onto a different
region of the image. In this case proceed as follows:
- Select image regions whose colors will be used for the new palette
- Open the recolorST palette builder and create a
new palette based on the selection.
- Remove or modify the selection mask to contain those regions that
will be processed with the filter
- Open the recolorST standard dialog and apply the